Of course to make a book that was little over 200 pages into 3 movies you'll have to add filler content that was not originally in the book.
The inconsistencies include:
- The white orc which was not mentioned in the book
- Bilbo is polite to the visiting Dwarves
- The Over Dramatized fight with the Goblin King
- The Elves did not delay the Dwarves in the book but they do in the movie.
- The Eagles, they talk in the book.
- The Eagles talk to the Dwarves after saving them.
Of course, there are probably more I overlooked but those are a few. The movie is obviously a very interesting movie but it does have some inconsistencies. Though, they might have reasoning, making the movie more action packed, however, it probably didn't need to be made into 3 parts. It was dragged out more than it needed to be.
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